Translating a Restaurant Sign

I visited Cambridge at the weekend with my friend, she noticed a sign in a Chinese restaurant. She told me the sign said that this restaurant is Stephen Hawking’s favourite restaurant. This is my attempt at translating it.

The Chinese on the sign is:


Wùlǐ xué jiā huòjīn xiānshēng zuì xǐhuān de zhōngguó cāntīng

I know most of the s characters in this sentence, however there are new characters and words for me. The new words for me are physicist and Hawking.

  • 物理学家 – Physicist
  • 霍金 – Hawking

The translation is:

The favourite Chinese restaurant of Physicist Mr Hawking.


Wasabi Skin Care!



Weekend Trip

上周末我和朋友一起去旅行。 周六我们去了巴斯, 周日布里斯托尔和滨海韦斯顿。


晚上我们去了Green Park Brasserie吃晚餐,这个饭馆有现场乐队演出。




Meal in Glasgow


饺子: 猪肉大白菜馅 – 锅贴 三鲜(猪肉,大虾, 韭菜) – 煮水饺

包子: 叉烧包


Yesterday me and my friend had Chinese food for lunch and dinner. At lunch we had 水煮鱼 and 麻辣豆腐 , I chose the 麻辣豆腐 as it’s the only thing I could understand on the Chinese menu 😂.

For dinner we had dumplings and baozi.

I also tried bubble tea for the first time yesterday, I had a green tea one.

Today I had a pearl milk tea.